7 Best Doulas & Prenatal Classes in Singapore (2025)
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
First of all, congratulations! Parenthood is both exciting and nerve-wracking. Besides having fundamental prenatal (a.k.a. antenatal) care and preparation, such as taking folic acid supplements and building your baby nursery, there are so many other things new parents must learn to prepare for D-day - delivery day, of course! Having a doula and/or attending prenatal classes will better prepare new parents for the big day. They help to answer pregnancy-related questions, teach birthing and breathing techniques, and more. Some doulas and prenatal classes even prepare moms who want a vaginal birth after Caesarian(s) (Read more about VBAC here). Read on to discover if having a doula, joining a prenatal class, or both are right for you.
Both doulas and prenatal classes intend to guide you through delivery and labour. However, they differ slightly in their services. Prenatal classes teach soon-to-be parents methods to find comfort during and after childbirth (e.g. through breathing techniques). Meanwhile, doulas provide comfort and accompany mothers throughout the pregnancy journey and labour process.
Prenatal classes are usually more structured with lesson plans and clear learning outcomes, while you can look at a doula as your personal childbirth tutor who works with your needs. Naturally, the former option usually offers private lessons, yet a doula will provide more intimate support for the new parents-to-be. Should you desire waterbirth, hypnobirthing, VBAC, or home birth, having a doula will comfort you and your partner with greater emotional and information support.
Although having either is not compulsory, they are good-to-haves to help you get ready to welcome your little bundle of joy. Here’s a quick breakdown of prenatal classes and doulas.
Prenatal classes are beneficial in preparing mum and dad on what to expect for the arrival of their baby through hands-on activities.
A typical prenatal class is carried out over 3-4 sessions and covers the following topics:
Prenatal and postpartum nutrition
Prenatal and postpartum exercise to prepare the body for childbirth
How to support your pregnant partner during labour
What to expect and do during childbirth, e.g. breathing techniques, pain management, and contraction
Taking care of your newborn, e.g. bathing, feeding, swaddling, and more
Hospitals in Singapore may offer such prenatal classes and includes a hospital tour to provide a glimpse of their facilities. Otherwise, you may choose from many independent prenatal classes with more customised services.
A doula is experienced in the birthing and labour processes and trained in providing emotional, physical, and information support for you and your partner during pregnancy and labour. She acts as a mentor during your parenthood journey while respecting and supporting you and your partner's birthing experience.
A doula is a great addition to prenatal classes since she will be by your side throughout your labour. Some doulas may have expertise that aligns with your birth plan better than others, so it is always a good idea to start your search as early as possible.
Remember to check if they offer free consultations and speak to them before you commit to a doula.
Prenatal Classes from $300
Types of services:
Prenatal classes (Childbirth Preparation Course)
Lactation consultation
Birth & Labour Doula from $1800 | Prenatal Classes from $450
Types of services:
Birth & Labour Doula
Prenatal classes (Childbirth Preparation Course)
Birth & Labour Doula from $2000 | Prenatal Classes from $300
Types of services:
Birth & Labour Doula
Prenatal classes (Childbirth Preparation Course)
Lactation consultation
Birth & Labour Doula from $2600 | Prenatal Classes from $550
Types of services:
Birth & labour Doulas
Postpartum Doulas
Prenatal classes (Childbirth Preparation Course)
Prenatal yoga at Terra Luna Yoga
Free 30-minute consultation
Birth & Labour Doula from $2300 | Prenatal Classes from $600
Types of services:
Birth & Labour Doula
Prenatal classes (Childbirth Preparation Course)
Postpartum care
Breastfeeding support
Fertility support
Other women's wellness services (e.g. womb massage)
Birth & Labour Doula from $2000
Types of services:
Birth & Labour Doula
Virtual Birth & Labour Doula
Prenatal Classes from $690
Types of services:
Birth & Labour Doula
Prenatal classes (Childbirth Preparation Course)
Lactation consultation
Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga
Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates
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