electric breast pump singapore

Breast Pumps

Shop Elvie Range


    Elvie is a health and lifestyle brand developing smarter technology for women. Its innovative products support and empower women of all ages.

    Elvie combines research and innovation to create extraordinary products that improve women’s lives and, ultimately, transform the way women think and feel about themselves.

    As Seen In...

    elvie pelvic floor trainer
    Make your pelvic floor health a priority

    Elvie Trainer

    The fun and effective way to strengthen your pelvic floor.
    Why does a strong pelvic floor matter?
    Elvie Trainer
    Your pelvic floor is a powerful set of muscles that play an important role in core stability, bladder control and intimate wellbeing. Pelvic floor problems, including incontinence, are surprisingly common, affecting 1 in 3 women, and up to 80% of expectant and new mums.
    But it’s difficult to work out muscles you can’t see. Elvie Trainer cuts out all of the guesswork.
    Find out more
    elvie hands free electric breast pump

    More About Elvie Breastpumps

    Below are some FAQs if you have further questions after browsing our selections.

    Below are some FAQs if you have further questions after browsing our selections.

    What items are needed for nursing or breastfeeding?

    This depends on your preferences, but generally, you’ll need a nursing pillow and nursing chair to keep both you and the baby comfortable for long stretches. You should also think about getting nursing robes or tops that can be opened easily to accommodate your breastfeeding baby.

    Do you need bottles if breastfeeding?

    If you need to store a lot of milk in advance, then yes. The general rule is to get bottles for milk storage if you need to be away from your nursing baby for more than a few hours at a time.

    How many bottles do you need for nursing?

    If you’re breastfeeding the baby when you can, you can make do with as few as 3 bottles. In fact, you can purchase our Elvie pump bottles in packs of 3 for that purpose. If you’re bottle-feeding the baby often, though, you should look at getting as many as 10.