Meet the Doomoo Buddy, our bestselling pregnancy pillow
3-in-1 Multi-functional Pregnancy Pillow

Meet the Doomoo Softy, our favourite 2-in-1 nursing pillow
Doomoo Softy is a multi-functional cushion ideal for both mother and baby.
Ideal for breast and bottle feeding | Let your little one lie or sit in total comfort

What is a pregnancy pillow?
A pregnancy pillow, otherwise known as a maternity pillow, is specially designed to provide extra support in the places most affected by your growing baby and belly - under your belloy, behind your back, and between your legs. Pregnancy pillows can be used anytime and anywhere, they are mainly used when you are sleeping to help you ease your adjustment to a new sleeping position. Consider if you need a full body u-shaped pillow, a c-shaped pillow, or just a wedge, each provide different types of support depending on where you are aching the most.
When to start using a pregnancy pillow?
You can start using a pregnancy pillow whenever you find it getting uncomfortable sleeping in your usual sleeping position. For most women, this is usually around week 20, when your belly starts to grow.
What is a breastfeeding pillow?
A breastfeeding pillow, otherwise known as a nursing pillow, is designed to support and keep your baby at the same height as your breast while feeding. This extra support helps alleviate back, shoulder, and neck strains by bringing baby into proper alignment with the nipple when you’re sitting up straight.
Consider getting a pregnancy pillow that doubles up as breastfeeding pillow. Being multi-functional allows you to use the same pillow through your pregnancy, for feeding when your baby is born, and even into toddlerhood as they even can be used as a lounger.
For the best pregnancy and breastfeeding pillow, shop at Hatchery Cribs.
A comfortable and supportive pregnancy and breastfeeding pillow is difficult to find in Singapore, Hatchery Cribs carry a wide range of stylish designs for you to choose from. Feel them for yourselves at our Ware Studio and you will not be able to resist their softness and comfort.